Paula Casado

AR developer and digital artist
 took my first steps about 15 years ago, starting with photography at hiphop music events. Later, I began making videos for events and advertisements, which I balanced alongside my undergraduate studies in graphic design.

In 2018, social media effects emerged, sparking my interest and providing me with valuable education in the field.

In early 2019, I was accepted into the Spark AR beta program. That same year, I began exploring ways to apply this technology to advertising and decided to dedicate myself fully to creating social media effects for brands.


Technical skills include:
· Conceptual ideation.                                                          · 3D face morphing.
· Graphic design expert.                                                      · Full AR character creation and design.
· Creation of 2D animations.                                                · Tracking of layers and objects in space
· Creation of assets tailored to brand identity.                     · Particle emitter effects.
· Creation of 3D models and simple animations.                 · Patches and shaders.
· Digital makeup.                                                                 · Simple game development.

AR Effects Created

+ 350

User Generated Contet

+ 50 Millions


+ 30 Billions

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